Thursday, July 16, 2020

Divorce Mediation Attorney in Orange County

Everything You Need to Know About Spousal Support

When a couple files for divorce or legal separation, the court may order one spouse to pay the other spouse a fixed amount of money monthly. The payment is called alimony or spousal support, and the parties can agree on this amount through mediation.
The purpose of spousal support is to limit the unjust economic effects of the divorce by providing steady income to the other spouse who is either unemployed or has a much lower income. Some justifications for spousal support include:
·         The ex-spouse did not pursue a career to support the family
·         The ex-spouse will need more time to develop job skills to support themselves
·         To help the ex-spouse maintain his or her standard of living
Spousal support can be established in the following court cases:
·         Divorce
·         Annulment
·         Legal separation
·         Restraining Order due to domestic violence

What is a Temporary Spousal Support Order?
One spouse can apply for support while the divorce case is ongoing. This payment is called temporary spousal support order or pendente lite spousal support.
The judicial council of California has certified the use of the DissoMaster to calculate for the temporary spousal support. The formula is:
40% of Husband’s Income - 50% of Wife’s Income = Temporary Spousal Support
Factors that Affect Spousal Support
When determining the permanent spousal support, the judge will not use any formula. The judge will base his or her decision on the factors stipulated by California’s Family Code Section 4320.
The code states that the amount of spousal support should be based on the following the earning capacity of the spouse to maintain the same standard of living during the marriage.
To determine this, the following are some factors the judge may consider:
1.    Marketable skills and the job market for those skills of the requesting spouse
2.    The time and amount needed by the requesting spouse to learn and develop those skills
3.    The need to train for additional and more marketable skills
4.    The extent to which the earning capacity was stifled and underdeveloped during the marriage by choosing to devote time to and focus on domestic and family duties
5.    The contribution of the supported party to the attainment of education and career position of the supporting party
6.    How much the other spouse can pay for support, given the supporting spouse’s earning capacity, assets, earned and unearned income, and standard of living
7.    The needs of each spouse to maintain the same standard of living during the marriage
8.    The length of the marriage
The duration of the marriage is an essential factor that determines how long the spousal support should be given. When the couple has been married for more than 10 years, the judge may not set an end date for the payment of alimony.
For shorter durations, one-half of the length of the marriage is considered a reasonable time for the supported party to be able to support himself or herself. However, the judge can also make a different decision based on the unique circumstances of the couple such as the following.
9.    The ability of the supported party to take on a job while taking care of the children
10. The debts and properties of the couple, both community and separate
11. The age and health of both spouses
12. History of domestic abuse and violence
If there is a record of domestic violence by the supporting spouse, the court will consider the emotional and psychological distress suffered by the supported spouse from the abuse. Any emotional trauma suffered by the victim should be supported.
On the other hand, any history of abuse and violence by the supported party to the supporting spouse could be a ground for the court not to award spousal support.
13. Tax impact of spousal support, who pays the taxes, and who gets the tax deductions
14. The balance of the hardships to each party
It simply means that the court should consider and weigh all circumstances that surround husband and wife when determining the amount and duration for spousal support.
15. Any other factors that the court considers to be just and equitable
This catch-all statement states that the court has the legal authority to consider other circumstances that are not specifically indicated in the law.
What are Spousal Support Agreements?
The couple has the choice not to go in front of the judge and can agree to a spousal support order and sign a spousal support agreement. A divorce mediation attorneyin Orange County can help you in the process and inform you of your rights and responsibilities, as well as discuss with you how spousal support works. Through mediation and negotiation, you can discuss and agree on the amount and the duration of the alimony.
Filing for spousal support is a very complicated matter. Seek a reputable family law attorney in Orange County to guide and help you through the process.
Are you getting a Divorce? Contact Cordial Family Lawyers
At Cordial Family Lawyers, we believe that a divorce doesn’t need to be more stressful than it already is. We offer flat-fee divorce attorney services to help you settle amicably and peacefully.
Skip the court battles and let our divorce mediation attorney help you reach an agreement that will benefit you both. A divorce does not have to be a fight for who gets the bigger slice of the cake. By partaking in mediation, you do not just save time and money, but you also save yourself and your children from unnecessary heartbreak. Contact us today, and let’s discuss your case.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Family Law Attorney in Orange County | Cordial Family Lawyer

Stay Abreast of Legal Procedures with the Help of a Family Law Attorney in Orange County

The first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word “family lawyer” is, divorce, alimony, child support and child custody. But the term is so broad that it encapsulates many more things other than divorce and child custody. There are many times, when tension arises in families and it becomes crucial to take legal advice and help. A legal adviser is not only capable of walking the entire legal process with you, but also provides you with genuine advice.

Family Law Attorney

When Would You Require a Family Lawyer?

It is common that differences do arise in families. But when these differences start interfering with your peace and harmony, then you must seek legal advice and put an end to the troubles. It makes sense to consult a family law attorney in Orange County who has got rich experience and knowledge to handle the most complicated cases. Since the job responsibilities and the role of a family lawyer are diverse, therefore, you must know with whom you trust your case is skilful about handling cases like yours.
It has been rightly said that the knowledge, skills and experience of a family lawyer goes a long way in protecting your rights and helping you get the justice. The job of a family lawyer is to investigate the case, gather information, record statements, perform negotiations (if required) and present your case in the court on your behalf. A family law attorney in Orange County finds out the suitable solutions for you to make your case stronger and to enhance the chance of winning. You can also get guidance from a family lawyer on how to protect your personal rights and how to confront the legal situations.
When you have known so many benefits of hiring a family lawyer, then find a suitable lawyer and feel free to discuss your case with him. He will deeply analyze your case and find out perfect solution meeting your requirements.

How to Hire a Family Right Lawyer?

Since the law is complicated and you will always require someone who can represent your case on your behalf abiding by the rules and regulations of the law.  You will have to stay abreast of legal procedures, hundreds of statutes and know the outcomes of previous similar cases, when representing your family case in the court. Hiring an attorney provides you legal protection and advocacy.   You can have peace of mind that his knowledge and experience would not let other party who is making threatening claims harm you.
Since these days, courts and overburdened. Therefore, you must present your case accurately so that it becomes easy for the judges to take decisions. If you do not go prepared, do not follow the procedures of the court or do not present legal grounds for your arguments, an overburdened judge would not do job on your behalf, but he will just take a decision.  In circumstances like this, chances are there you may lose the case.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Family Law Mediation in Orange County | Cordial Family Lawyer

The 4 Topmost Factors You Need To Consider While Hiring Any Family Law mediation!

Divorced is placed at the top of the list of stressful events in one’s life. Constantly fighting, arguing, getting cheated, and blaming in marriage generally leads to more of the same while dissolving it. Unluckily, the consequences of continuing this behavior can turn out to be more dramatic, involving extended litigation, significant damage, or destroying the parties children’s emotional well-being. In such cases, the top certified and highly experienced family lawmediation in Orange County communicates with the parties concerning the matters in disputes and try to explore the possible solutions for promoting reconciliation, understanding, and settlement. 

Further down, we are providing you with some of the top factors which you should consider while hiring any professional family law mediation:

·         Do they possess a legal certification? 
How will you get an assurance that you are dealing with the top certified family law mediation? Well! For this, you need to check out their legal credentials which certify they are the top professionals who are legally allowed by the top authorities to offer their services to others. When you hire such professionals for your divorce case, you will be able to get peace of mind that they are the genuine professionals who are well aware of all the current rules and regulations regarding divorce. 

·         How much experience do they have?
It’s better to check out their experience than to fix your search on any of the mediation. The highly experienced professionals will help you to provide the best possible solutions. Because of their extensive experience, familylaw mediation in Orange County know perfectly how to handle even the complex case easily. Therefore, while searching for anyone, you should always consider choosing a highly experienced professional so to get positive results. You should arrange couples of meetings with them and find whether they are the right fit for you or not. 

·         Ease of communication 
When any of the clients become unhappy from their mediation, one of the most common complaints is that they are not able to communicate with their mediation. Therefore, while hiring any of the professionals, you need to make sure they will be accessible and will be prompt in responding to your phone calls, emails, and requests for meetings. It’s not that they are fulfilling all the criteria which are needed to hire them, you should also consider whether you are feeling comfortable with them or not.

·         Have a look at their client’s testimonials
The best way to choose which family law mediation to use is by taking a deep sneak about what their former clients have to say about them. If you don’t know anyone who has been a client of that particular mediation, it’s better to ask those professionals for a list of their clients whom you can contact. The top professionals will never hesitate to share these things with you. By contacting them, you can clear all your doubts regarding those professionals. As a result of this, you will be able to make a better decision. 

Wrapping Up:

This process is less stressful than that of regular divorce proceedings where you may have to fraught with frequent court appearances, attorney meetings, and multiple confrontations. When you hire the top certified and highly experienced family law mediation in Orange Countyyou will be able to get peace of mind that they will keep the case completely private and confidential. The top mediators will hold sessions in a mutually agreed upon location which is private and comfortable as per your needs and requisites.