Thursday, March 25, 2021

Top Reasons Why You Should Choose Divorce Mediator

Whenever people think about the divorce process they might think of costly court battles having to hire expensive lawyers by both sides and on the other hand, judges wielding the power to control their lives, finance, or even their children. But choosing the amicable divorce mediator, you will be saving yourself from the costly court battles and will have a less stressful solution to your divorce rather than the complicated and time-consuming divorce litigation.


The top reasons why you should choose a divorce mediator are:

Hiring Divorce Mediator Will Save You Money

When the case goes to court, lawyer fees are charged by the hour for all the appearances in the court. And on top of this motion practice usually involving litigation can instantly add up. You will not be able to predict the time to litigate as the time frame for litigation can be influenced by various circumstances like the judge's time limitations and there may be many cases placed in the court on the same day.

But hiring a divorce mediator both parties will be obliged to pay for only one mediator for their divorce process and there will be least court charges. The expenses of the mediating process are predictable and couples can also save themselves of losing their time as scheduling of the mediating is very flexible.

The Process of the Mediation is Personalized and Customized to the Couple's Needs

Having a divorce mediator to handle the divorce case, the couple can have as much time as they want for the issues that matter to them the most. But in the litigation process, this will not be the case as there will be limited time with the overwhelmed judiciary system.

A divorce mediation process works as a meticulously organized and fine settlement because in this process, couples are free to discuss every aspect of their divorce. But in the litigation divorce process, the decision of the judge might be complicated and also might be not focusing on all possibilities that may happen in the future. Being actively engaged in the mediating process, a couple can customize their agreement according to their requirements for post-divorce steadiness.

Divorce Mediation is a Fast Process

By choosing the divorce mediator, couples will be able to decide how many sessions they want to have and how fast or slow they want to work through the issues they have. But on the other hand, the processing of divorce in the court depends on the timescale fixed by the court.


An amicable divorce mediator has always been the best choice for couples who want to have quicker and smooth solutions for themselves and their families. As this process does not involve court appearances and other extra expenses, then this will be the most affordable and less time-consuming divorce process allowing both parties to have control over the process and helping them actively engaging through phone, video, or physical appearance in shaping the final phases of their divorce agreement. 

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